Sunday, February 27, 2005

Women with Big Boobies don't like Sex

Breast size determines personality

I heard this on the Perfect10, and decided to check it out. And behold, i found the artciel on the internet!(thank God for google)

The excerpt for the breasts part :

The fruity chart starts naturally with the traditional melon. According to Lorenzoni, a woman with large, round breasts like a melon may appear motherly, but is far from it. "She likes eating and wants to be spoiled and admired. But seldom likes sex," he said.
For men who want someone a bit more lively they should choose a woman with "lemon" breasts - pert and prominent. "These women are full of life and can laugh at themselves. They want a balanced life without surprises."
Pert, oval-shaped breasts are for Lorenzoni like pineapples. "A woman with pineapple breasts is intelligent, often has a career but is still romantic. They are also faithful. Whoever wins their heart will not lose it quickly."
Grapefruit-shaped breasts - pert and firm - are also not a good sign for good sex. "This woman may look erotic, but in reality is bashful and homely. She spoils her partner but prefers tenderness over sex."
Even women with "oranges" are not going to turn up the temperature between the sheets. "While she is self-confident and knows her goals, she has little interest in sex. She likes conversation and partnerships."
Small breasted women, with assets that resemble cherries are "funny and very exciting. They are entertaining and intelligent. Make great partners both for everyday life and on holiday and are moderately interested in sex," says the researcher.
A woman with pear-shaped breasts "Loves love in all its variations. She can be very religious, but is known to have affairs."

So.... what size are YOU breasts, and what do they say about you? The only one i don't get is thet melons... does that mean that all those porn stars really hate sex? What does that say about Dolly Parton? And the ones with pineapples are smart?

And.. what if you had a boob job? does your personality change along with it?

Saturday, February 26, 2005

As should Pan Ling Ling

Pan Ling Ling and husband named their kid Beckham, just for your information.

I am still wondering why.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Beckham should be banned from naming his kids.

And rightly so too. Once again, the skinny woman gave birth to a boy. Actually, Beckham is really turning out to be Golden Balls. I mean... 3 kids, 3 boys? Chinese from China(unlike english from england) like boys plenty. If i knew Beckham's secret, i'd sell it for millions. Or rather, cheaply to millions in to the chinese from china.

But anyway, continuing the trend of giving weird names to his children(thus far Brooklyn, named after the place where he was 'conceived', and Romeo... nuff said). So, playing in Spain and all, and with him learning spanish, Beckham decides, HEY, HOW ABOUT WE GIVE MY KID A SPANISH NAME!!!!1111

So he thinks and he thinks. Then he decides... I KNOW!!! I'll do a play on words! My crossing ability is one of the best in the world... Why not give my kid a name that means cross? Like... uhh... Cruz! That's right!

So he goes on and names his kid Cruz. Only problem : Cruz is a girl's spanish name. Its like me going around with a girl's name... wait, i am going around with a girl's name. At least Kristin(my name is christon) kreuk is very chio.

So his poor kid will be going to school, with an extremely famous dad, with a girl's name. Sigh...


But hey, celebrities LOVE to give their kids weird names anyway.

Gwnyth Palthrow and Chris Martin called their girl Apple. Which is weird, but hey, don't we have a celebrity called Apple Hong? Jamie Oliver, you know, the cook you see sometimes on TV Mobile? He has daughters called Daisy Boo and Poppy Honey. I'm not kidding. That's they're real names. Eh.

Bob Gedolf named his daughters Fifi Trixibelle, Peaches and Pixie.

Celebrities just can't give their kids normal names like George or Mary. They gotta give the weirdest names on earth. I feel for their kids, i really do.

Monday, February 21, 2005

This is *not* Christon

This is Faith. Testing this new blog template which I helped Christon to install.

If this post doesn't work properly and everything happen as it should -- I. Will. Scream.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I just watched The Wedding Singer. For the first time. Sniff. I loved the show, totally loved it. As many people know, i am, strangely enough, a guy that actually LOVES romantic comedies. Sweet Home Alabama, How To Lose a Guy in 10 days, You've Got Mail, A Walk to Remember... these top my list of all time favourite movies. I read romance novels(no, no... not the ones with a topless guy and a sexy girl on the cover. the ones with much less sex and much more story. hate those that just move from sex scene to sex scene. booooring). I also read almost everything under the sun, but i like romance novels. I have no idea why. For some reason strange reason(unknown to myself) i enjoy torturing myself watching them movies and reading them books. Other guys go for the action, the horror, and them other movies guys love so much. But deep down, i still like romantic comedies best of all, even if it does make me feel sad after that.

But back to the movie. So the plot is nothing great, so the girl doesn't look all that chio(she's drew barrymore, after all), and i'm not a big fan of that Adam Sandler guy. But i was hooked on the show the moment it started, and absolutely loved the song he sang to her in the end. Something about growing old with you. I was like... woah. What the hey.

See, i'm turning 21 this year. Yeah... entering adulthood, sadly. Kiss them teenage carefree years goodbye. I have yet to have a girlfriend. So far, none of my crushes have worked out. Some crushes have lasted much longer than others, going into more than two years if you believe it or not. A crush on the same girl for more than two years? Never asking any girl out? Everytime i watch a romantic comedy, i start to think, hey, who's the one with the BIG L on the forehead? I long for someone to love me romantically, as i see the leads fall in love. I'm like... hey... i want that... i want to grow old with someone. I don't want some one night stand... what's the point in that? The same thing happens when i read novels with romance in them. Then i start feeling all bad for myself again. The loser who has liked the same girl for years(who probably never has, and will never think of me as any more than a friend), who has liked so many girls in the past but never done anything about it...

But then i think again. You know, is that even important? I'm sure God has someone planned for me, and i doubt its even the girl i like at the moment. And even if he doesn't, to what does that matter? Right now, without the distraction of a girlfriend, i already am so busy. Being extremely active in church, if i DID have a girlfriend, i would never be able to spend as much time on God's work as i am now. Neither would i be spending as much time with God. Getting a girlfriend now would not be productive, it just wouldn't be good for me. God will send me one when i'm ready, if ever.

So... sure, having a girlfriend would rock. Honestly, its not all that hard to find a girlfriend. All it needs is a little pampering, sweet talking, and probably i can hook up someone. But i don't want to hook up with just anyone. It would make me happy. I want a committed, convicted Seventh-Day Adventist who loves God more than anything else. Now a girl that THAT is a lot harder to find, much less chase, for the very same reason that her priorities will be totally different from everyone else. But even if i did find one now, it would not do me any good, it would not do my spiritual life any good, it would not do God's work any good.

Is it wrong to want a girlfriend? No.
Is it wrong to have one now? Yes.
If the girl i liked actually become open to the idea, would i actually start dating now? No. But i sure would be struggling with it more than anything else!

So, does not having a girlfriend now make a a loser?

Nah, it makes me more or a winner, i'd say!
There comes a time in a blogger's life when he has to decide : Do i, or do i not, continue to blog.

See, it took me forever to start blogging. While the whole blogging craze was going on, i wanted to start, but didn't dare. I was afraid people wouldn't like my blog. I was afraid that what i wrote would make people laugh at me. But i did try in the end, and my blog was relatively popular.

I started commenting on news, giving my own two cents, and saying things. Basically trying to be funny, and impress people. It was also fun, and i looked forward to updating my blog. I would read the WHOLE Straits Times newspaper, PLUS the Newpaper, plus STREATS, plus TODAY. If i couldn't get any, i would read the online version. I would surf forum boards looking for interesting pictures, videos, anything i could post. It was great, and people liked it, and i felt good.

Then i started getting lazy. And losing my touch. My commentries came less frequent, and less funny. Then i started updating once a week. Then less. Then after i went into SCDF, even less. i hadn't even updated since... forever. But hey, that's all about to change. I doubt people will read my blog anymore... i doubt it even gets more than a hit a week. But i'm going to start updating regularly, because this time, i actually WANT to say stuff, not just make people like me. I remember how fun it was to read up something funny, and post about it, or find something cool on a forum board and post a link to it. I'm gonna start it again, and maybe, just maybe, people will come back.

But if they dont't, hey, it doesn't matter. This will be my outlet for saying what i want to say, regardless of whether anybody reads it. So be it.