Questions Thingie
Haven't updated my blog in years... been to bloody lazy, but one of my best friends asked me to do so i'll do it...
1. Full name: Choo Shi En Christon
2. Name backwards: Ontsirhc Ne Ihs Oohc
3. Meaning of the name: Supposed to mean 'A Gift' or 'A Blessing' or something like that(chinese name, english name got no freaking idea)
4. Nickname: Chrissyton, Da Tou, Veggie Ballz, Ah Choo(like a sneeze)
5. Screen name: I did NOT say that!
6. D.O.B: 2nd October 1984
7. Place of birth: Singapore
8. Nationality: Singaporean
9. Current location: Study Room(also where i sleep)
10. Star sign: Uh... no idea actually, whatever star sign early october is
11. Religion: Christian
12. Height: 168(i can't even break 170!!!! *sob*)
13. Weight: 65(i put on weight!!!!*cries*)
14. Shoe size: 9
15. Hair colour: black
16. Eye colour: black
17. Who do you think u look like: I don't think i really look like anyone famous
18. Innie or outtie: Innie
19. Lefty of righty: Right hand
20. Gay,straight,bi or others: Straight! Straight guys like romantic movies and novels too ok!
21. Best friends: Brian, Edwin, JD, Lionel
22. Best friends u trust most: See Above!
23. Favourite pals: See Above Above!
24. Best friend of opposite sex: No one really right now...
25. Best buddies: See Above Above Above Above!
26. Boyfriend of galfriend: One day, Someday, Soon
27. Crush: One day, Someday, Soon
28. Parents: Raised me the best they could
29. Worst enemy: Evil Encik from NS days!!!!
30. Favourite online guy: None, really
31. Favourite online gal: Faith, may we share youtube videos forever!
32. Craziest fren: See Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Aboev
33. Advice fren: Faith
34. Loudest friend: Tricia(the screams! the screams!WEI!!!!)
35. Person u cry with: I cryeth not.. i blame my frozen emotions
36. Any sisters: 1 related by blood, plus 1 mandy
37. Any brothers: 1 related by blood, plus 4 guys see 21
38. Any pets: Countless fish, hamsters and mice, all of which are now dead
39. Any disease: i have/had brochitis. i think that's how you spell it. i think its cured now. i hope.
40. Pager: Not anymore!
41. Personal phone line: I'm not that poor. Yet.
42. Phone: Motorola. I hate it. I swear motorola's out to get me.
43. Lava lamp: Nope... waste of money. I'd buy one if they really put lava inside, though.
44. Pool or hot tub: Pool. My sensitive skin cannot take hot water. It burns... IT BURNS!!!!
45. A car: Family has a van. Knocked up one at that. But i can't drive it yet.(stupid kerb. why i strike you during driving test?)
46. Your personality: Crazy at times, quiet at times. Super messy, careth little for material posessions(which means i don't really take care of them properly, sadly). Rarely will i open up, but to a select few who have gained my trust
47. Driving: do driving lessons once a week count?
48. Room: Messy. Just spent an hour cleaning it. But still messy. Will be messier still tomorrow. Will look like hurricane katrina went through it a week later.
49. What's missing: A wife.
50. School: Soon to take a part time course in counseling
51. Bed: Simple, no blankets, no covers, just mattress
52. Relationship wif parents: Much, much better than the past
53. Believe in urself: Try to. Succeeding way more often now than in the past
54. Believe in love at first sight: I belive it when it happens in movies!
55. Good listener: Try to be. Some people say i am, some people say i suck. Who do i believe...
56. Get along well wif parents: Yup!
57. Save email conversations: Nope... i'm a regular deleter of emails! Even with gmail i feel the need to delete mails... my inbox must not go beyond 5 pages...
58. Pray: Yes. Often on boring bus rides.
59. Believe in reincarnation: You can't kill a Hindu, but you can kill a Christian! Heaven sure beats comming back as a dung beetle!
60. Make fun of ppl: Try not to... but still do. =(
61. Like to talk on the phone: Rarely, very very rarely
62. Want to get married: One day, some day, soon
63. Like to drive: Learning to like it, but still don't really. May change mind if driving manual.
64. Motion sickness: NEVER MAN NEVER!!!! Reading on shaking non-aircon SBS buses when 6 has made me immune!
65. Eat stem of broccoli: Eat brocolli? Who in their right mind eats brocolli?
66. Eat chicken wif fork: Sorry, but i'm vegetarian here....
67. Dream in colour: You mean people dream in black and white? Get with the times people! I dream in High Definition Colour now!
68. Type wif ur fingers on home role: No, i type with my nose under school pole
69. Sleep wif stuff animals: No. I refuse to sleep with something that used to be alive. A stuffed turkey i may consider if its fresh from the oven.
70. Next to you: All together now... RICOLA!!!!!
71. On the walls of your room: Baby pictures of me! And a Clay Aiken poster. I'm straight, i swear!
72. On your mousepad: Biocompatibles Drug Delivery. Don't ask me why. I don't sell drugs. For less than US$10,000
73. Dream car: I've always wanted a Rover. I don't know why.
74. Dream date: Dream date? Considering i'm so sad i've never even BEEN on a date before(so loser... *cries*) Man, i DREAM of dates! Any date!
75. Dream honeymoon spot: Umm... i've never been out of southeast asia. Maybe a place with snow? Or something? I WANT A WIFE!!!! WAAAAHHH
76. Dream husband n wife: Has to be female. Definitely. No compromise on that one
77. Bedtime: Whenever, wherever =)
78. Under ur bed: Dust. Pencles, pens, paper, probably some monster for all i know never really cleaned under it.
79. Single most important question: When will i get me a girlfriend?
80. Bad time of the day: After 11pm. I shut down. First i'd go crazy and expand all my energy talking nonsense and making weird noises. Then i more quiet than a man who's just been hit in the balls(guys don't really say anything when they get hit in the balls.. they just clutch it and kneel down).
81. Your worst fear: Bees. Wasps. And velociraptors. They got claws man! And they like jump onto you and rip your guts out! I get nightmares of these creatures!
82. The weather is: Clear
83. Time: 11 p.m.
85.Best trick did on someone: Deh, for the death of me i can't remember
86. Theme song: All By Myself by Celine Dion(or was it whitney houseten? Or was it mariah carey? well, one of them)
87. Hardest thing abt growing up: Having an ultra-conservative, over-protective mom
88. Funniest experience: This is recent. Some friends of mine forcibly removed my underwear while i was still wearing it with a pair of scissors for my birthday. Wasn't funny to me, but everyone else thought it was.
89. Scariest experience: Parents threatening to divorce while yelling at each other
90. Silliest thing u have ever said: When a strange got tickets to the singapore idol finale and shreiked, i shriekd with her. And i haven't met her in my life. Everyone looked at me funny.
91. Most desperate and funniest thing u have ever done to an opposite sex: I got no balls to do ANYTHING to a member of the opposite sex. Probably explains why i'm still single.
92. Scariest thing when you are with your friends: One of them dying?
93. Worst feeling: When i'm sick with fever. Man i feel like crap.
94. Best feeling in the world: Friends who care. Brudders who'll always be there for you. A cell that appreciates you. A friend who's stood by you for 8 years, though good times and shitty times, and who you know will be there for years to come.
Bro DUn WoRRY you'll get a wife...when the time comes...haha
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