Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Questions Thingie

Haven't updated my blog in years... been to bloody lazy, but one of my best friends asked me to do so i'll do it...

1. Full name: Choo Shi En Christon
2. Name backwards: Ontsirhc Ne Ihs Oohc
3. Meaning of the name: Supposed to mean 'A Gift' or 'A Blessing' or something like that(chinese name, english name got no freaking idea)
4. Nickname: Chrissyton, Da Tou, Veggie Ballz, Ah Choo(like a sneeze)
5. Screen name: I did NOT say that!
6. D.O.B: 2nd October 1984
7. Place of birth: Singapore
8. Nationality: Singaporean
9. Current location: Study Room(also where i sleep)

10. Star sign: Uh... no idea actually, whatever star sign early october is
11. Religion: Christian
12. Height: 168(i can't even break 170!!!! *sob*)
13. Weight: 65(i put on weight!!!!*cries*)
14. Shoe size: 9
15. Hair colour: black
16. Eye colour: black
17. Who do you think u look like: I don't think i really look like anyone famous

18. Innie or outtie: Innie
19. Lefty of righty: Right hand
20. Gay,straight,bi or others: Straight! Straight guys like romantic movies and novels too ok!

21. Best friends: Brian, Edwin, JD, Lionel
22. Best friends u trust most: See Above!
23. Favourite pals: See Above Above!
24. Best friend of opposite sex: No one really right now...
25. Best buddies: See Above Above Above Above!
26. Boyfriend of galfriend: One day, Someday, Soon
27. Crush: One day, Someday, Soon
28. Parents: Raised me the best they could

29. Worst enemy: Evil Encik from NS days!!!!
30. Favourite online guy: None, really
31. Favourite online gal: Faith, may we share youtube videos forever!
32. Craziest fren: See Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Above Aboev

33. Advice fren: Faith
34. Loudest friend: Tricia(the screams! the screams!WEI!!!!)
35. Person u cry with: I cryeth not.. i blame my frozen emotions
36. Any sisters: 1 related by blood, plus 1 mandy
37. Any brothers: 1 related by blood, plus 4 guys see 21
38. Any pets: Countless fish, hamsters and mice, all of which are now dead
39. Any disease: i have/had brochitis. i think that's how you spell it. i think its cured now. i hope.

40. Pager: Not anymore!
41. Personal phone line: I'm not that poor. Yet.
42. Phone: Motorola. I hate it. I swear motorola's out to get me.
43. Lava lamp: Nope... waste of money. I'd buy one if they really put lava inside, though.
44. Pool or hot tub: Pool. My sensitive skin cannot take hot water. It burns... IT BURNS!!!!
45. A car: Family has a van. Knocked up one at that. But i can't drive it yet.(stupid kerb. why i strike you during driving test?)
46. Your personality: Crazy at times, quiet at times. Super messy, careth little for material posessions(which means i don't really take care of them properly, sadly). Rarely will i open up, but to a select few who have gained my trust
47. Driving: do driving lessons once a week count?
48. Room: Messy. Just spent an hour cleaning it. But still messy. Will be messier still tomorrow. Will look like hurricane katrina went through it a week later.
49. What's missing: A wife.
50. School: Soon to take a part time course in counseling
51. Bed: Simple, no blankets, no covers, just mattress
52. Relationship wif parents: Much, much better than the past

53. Believe in urself: Try to. Succeeding way more often now than in the past
54. Believe in love at first sight: I belive it when it happens in movies!
55. Good listener: Try to be. Some people say i am, some people say i suck. Who do i believe...
56. Get along well wif parents: Yup!
57. Save email conversations: Nope... i'm a regular deleter of emails! Even with gmail i feel the need to delete mails... my inbox must not go beyond 5 pages...
58. Pray: Yes. Often on boring bus rides.
59. Believe in reincarnation: You can't kill a Hindu, but you can kill a Christian! Heaven sure beats comming back as a dung beetle!
60. Make fun of ppl: Try not to... but still do. =(

61. Like to talk on the phone: Rarely, very very rarely
62. Want to get married: One day, some day, soon
63. Like to drive: Learning to like it, but still don't really. May change mind if driving manual.
64. Motion sickness: NEVER MAN NEVER!!!! Reading on shaking non-aircon SBS buses when 6 has made me immune!
65. Eat stem of broccoli: Eat brocolli? Who in their right mind eats brocolli?
66. Eat chicken wif fork: Sorry, but i'm vegetarian here....
67. Dream in colour: You mean people dream in black and white? Get with the times people! I dream in High Definition Colour now!
68. Type wif ur fingers on home role: No, i type with my nose under school pole
69. Sleep wif stuff animals: No. I refuse to sleep with something that used to be alive. A stuffed turkey i may consider if its fresh from the oven.

70. Next to you: All together now... RICOLA!!!!!
71. On the walls of your room: Baby pictures of me! And a Clay Aiken poster. I'm straight, i swear!
72. On your mousepad: Biocompatibles Drug Delivery. Don't ask me why. I don't sell drugs. For less than US$10,000
73. Dream car: I've always wanted a Rover. I don't know why.

74. Dream date: Dream date? Considering i'm so sad i've never even BEEN on a date before(so loser... *cries*) Man, i DREAM of dates! Any date!
75. Dream honeymoon spot: Umm... i've never been out of southeast asia. Maybe a place with snow? Or something? I WANT A WIFE!!!! WAAAAHHH
76. Dream husband n wife: Has to be female. Definitely. No compromise on that one
77. Bedtime: Whenever, wherever =)
78. Under ur bed: Dust. Pencles, pens, paper, probably some monster for all i know never really cleaned under it.
79. Single most important question: When will i get me a girlfriend?
80. Bad time of the day: After 11pm. I shut down. First i'd go crazy and expand all my energy talking nonsense and making weird noises. Then i more quiet than a man who's just been hit in the balls(guys don't really say anything when they get hit in the balls.. they just clutch it and kneel down).
81. Your worst fear: Bees. Wasps. And velociraptors. They got claws man! And they like jump onto you and rip your guts out! I get nightmares of these creatures!
82. The weather is: Clear
83. Time: 11 p.m.

84. Date: 4th October
85.Best trick did on someone: Deh, for the death of me i can't remember
86. Theme song: All By Myself by Celine Dion(or was it whitney houseten? Or was it mariah carey? well, one of them)
87. Hardest thing abt growing up: Having an ultra-conservative, over-protective mom
88. Funniest experience: This is recent. Some friends of mine forcibly removed my underwear while i was still wearing it with a pair of scissors for my birthday. Wasn't funny to me, but everyone else thought it was.
89. Scariest experience: Parents threatening to divorce while yelling at each other
90. Silliest thing u have ever said: When a strange got tickets to the singapore idol finale and shreiked, i shriekd with her. And i haven't met her in my life. Everyone looked at me funny.
91. Most desperate and funniest thing u have ever done to an opposite sex: I got no balls to do ANYTHING to a member of the opposite sex. Probably explains why i'm still single.
92. Scariest thing when you are with your friends: One of them dying?
93. Worst feeling: When i'm sick with fever. Man i feel like crap.
94. Best feeling in the world: Friends who care. Brudders who'll always be there for you. A cell that appreciates you. A friend who's stood by you for 8 years, though good times and shitty times, and who you know will be there for years to come.


Blogger DanCinG QuEen said...

Bro DUn WoRRY you'll get a wife...when the time comes...haha

3:34 PM  

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