Sunday, August 29, 2004

I finally caught Singapore Idol today. Still being a Fire Fighter trainee means that i can't be at home during the broadcast(having to stay in camp sucks). Therefore i can't vote for my favourite artiste, which this time around happens to be David Yeo. The quality of Singapore Idol was better than i expected, with the top 3 singers singing well(for my standards at least.) it was an entertaining show, and David Yeo really impressed me. His personality, with the few seconds he had on screen, really shone through. He came off as a guy eager to improve, while having fun on stage. If i could have voted, i would have voted for him. Good thing he got through to the next round.

Now my only gripe about the show is the judges. With the exception of Ken Lim, everyone else doesn't give great comments. Alright... Florence Lian gives good comments every now and then. Dick Lee's comments seem to me to be evil for the sake of it. Its almost never constructive criticism, and its usually vague. He just disses the contestant and that's it. I didn't even get the "you have a long way to go, to malacca" ....????? Douglous O doesn't make sense most of the time. I'll call him the Randy Jackson of Singapore. All he ever says is that he didn't get the song, didn't feel connected to the song, didn't like the song..

Ken Lim is still best. All his criticisms make perfect sense, and usually suggests a way for the contestant to improve. I always agree with this guy. He's the Simon Cowell of Singapore, but less evil.

All in all, Singapore Idol rocks. It just sucks that it'll be over by the time i come out of my fire fighter training in october...

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I'm a vegetarian. Yup, a rather plumb vegetarian at that. And one thing people keep asking me in NS is that, "If you're a vegetarian, how come you're still fat?"

Well... to answer all those questions once and for all, here's my simple :

4 Step Guide to Being a Fat Vegetarian

Step 1 : Eat at Vegetarian stores

Yes, its true. Eat at vegetarian stores in hawker centres or food courts often, and you're guarenteed to be fat. Strangely enough, many vegetarian stores in Singapore are more unhealthy than chinese cooked food stores. For one thing, if you look at what's on offer(especially those selling rice and dishes), for some reason there is usually very few vegetable dishes. Usually, 70% of the dishes are fake meat, more often than not fried with plenty of oil, or worse, deep fried. Of course, there are a few shops who actually offer heathy vegetarian food, but they're few and far between.

Step 2 : Potatoes (preferably deep fried)

If you want to get fat while being vegetarian, potatoes are your best friend. No, i'm not talking about steamed potatoes. I'm talking about things like french fries, wedges... deep friend, oily and full of fat. If those are not good enough for you, potatoes chips will do just as well. Eat potatoes often, and soon you'll be putting on the kilos.

Step 3 : Snacks

Snacking while watching TV, or for the sake of it is a great way to get fat, even if you're a vegetarian. Snacks available to you may have been cut a lot, but there are still a wide variety. Corn snakcs, tapioca snacks... the list goes on.

Step 4 : Don't Excercise

Regardless of what you eat, if you don't excercise, you will get fat. Especially with a diet mentioned above.
I've already been i NS... lets see... 11 weeks. and one thing i've noticed is that NS guys have a strange fascination with the female vagina. Ok... maybe that's not strange(considering they're NS GUYS), but i'm not talking about the anatomy but the word. The word in hokkien, to be precise. Its only in Singapore that that part of the female anatomy is used as a swear word. Maybe i'm wrong, but no where else in the world is it used as a swear word. Used as an insult, yes. But not in mid sentence as a swear word. And no where else in Singapore is it used more than in NS. Almost everyone uses it. Some people say it every 5 words or so. Why? I have no idea. Since when has a female vagina become a vulgar word? Maybe someone can enlignten me?

Sunday, August 08, 2004

For those that aren't in the know... i've been sent for a fire fighter course. so instead of POP on 11 sep, i finish my recruit training on October 24. I'm currently going through horrible training to be a fit fire fighter. And i'm not fit. I'm someone who has failed his 2.4, standing broad jump and pull ups. i can't even do a single pull up. that's how weak i am.

But they say they'll train me. They'll train me until i get a at least a silver. i'll be in pain most of the day.

BUT, when i pass out on October 24, i'll be fitter than i ever dreamed of. and it would be worth it. it would all be worth it.

if my posts are getting boring, its probably cos i haven't had the chance to read news, nor get my sense of humour back inbetween training.


Sunday, August 01, 2004

Why has there been no posts for so long? Well... last week i had sunday guard duty, meaning i had to report back at camp on Sunday at 7:30. and the week before i was too lazy. I have guard duty tomorrow.. oh wait, its today. Sunday guard again for the second week in a row. Sigh. So i'm too tired right now to say much, but expect more stuff next week.