Sunday, August 15, 2004

I've already been i NS... lets see... 11 weeks. and one thing i've noticed is that NS guys have a strange fascination with the female vagina. Ok... maybe that's not strange(considering they're NS GUYS), but i'm not talking about the anatomy but the word. The word in hokkien, to be precise. Its only in Singapore that that part of the female anatomy is used as a swear word. Maybe i'm wrong, but no where else in the world is it used as a swear word. Used as an insult, yes. But not in mid sentence as a swear word. And no where else in Singapore is it used more than in NS. Almost everyone uses it. Some people say it every 5 words or so. Why? I have no idea. Since when has a female vagina become a vulgar word? Maybe someone can enlignten me?


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