Friday, January 16, 2004

In Barcelona, SPain, a man has been jailed for writing a book that gave instructions on how to beat one's wife without leaving makrs. In his book, Woman in Islam, he said that a wife could initially be scolded and then denied sex to discipline her. But if this did not work, Islamic law allowed for a wife to be beaten. Of course, the police didn't find that book very useful, nor funny, and he was jailed for 15 months and fined 2200 euroes.

Now, my question is this. Is denying sex to one's wife disciplining her, OR YOURSELF???!!!11

DISCLAIMER : I do NOT by any means condone wife beating. I do, however, like wife-beaters. The shirt, lah.

USA. The Land of Freedom. Where free speech is celebrated, and people are allowed to do as they wish.

Not anymore. After the colour coding of airline travelers due to 'risk', i.e. if you are colour coded red, you're not allowed to fly, to add on to a whole lot of other 'invation of privacy' issues implemented after 9/11, we've got the latest.

The US Senate Finance Committee has asked the Internal Revenue Service to turn over confidential tax and financial records, including donor lists on dozens of Muslim charities as part of an 'investigation' on terrorism funding. In other words, they're going through all the confidential details of Muslim charities, and shutting down all that have 'connections' to terrorist groups. And a list of all the donors. Because of this, many poor, law-abiding muslims no longer have any financial support. Innocent charities have been closed. It also makes you wonder why they requested a list of all the donors. What are they going to do with it?

This is not a fishing expedition targetting Muslims," one Senate aide said. "All the groups we are looking at are suspected of having some connections to terrorism or of doing propaganda for terrorists. We are not presuming anybody's guilty."

Yes. And it just so happens that 100% of them are Muslim charities. Apparently only Muslims can be terrorists. No one else can be terrorists. Just the Muslims.

USA, Land of the Free, my foot.

OOooO.... Did you know that there is a job in this world that allows employees to have sex on the job? No, its not the prostitutes. Its the police that are searching for evidence on vice actiities. Wow. Makes you wonder whether any of them will be abusing their job...


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