Friday, August 08, 2003

Today i have an apology to make(thanks prodding by a certain someone called PH41+}{) Lately i have not been very, what you call, *ahem* postive. Or rather, i have been using words thave have not been very positive. So, from today onwards, the words BLOODY and STUPID shall no longer exist in my vocabulary, with the exception of times when i encounter extreme stupidity that i am unable to control myself. And for those times i apologise in advance.

Ok. Now i've noticed that various blog sites have experienced various changes in their layout. And i also see that some some of them have been modified to be more cheem. HOWEVER, do not expect any changes to happen to this site, even though i am supposedly studying IT and know how to do it. That is because i am too lazy. So my site will be super simple. In case you haven't noticed, i have not put any links to other blog sites that I know. That is, once again, because i am too lazy, and i apologise. Maybe one day i won't be too lazy.

Dinotopia the series. I taped the show and finally watched it this morning. The show is fine, should they use completely new characters. However, they choose to continue the storyline from the movie. I LOVED the dinotopia movie(or mini-series). It was a great adaptation from the dinotopia world. But the series uses the same characters from the show. But every single character uses a different actor/actress. And honestly, they actors can't act as well as the ones from the movie. The female lead is half as beautiful as the one in the movie(my biggest complaint). The character's character has changed. At the end of the movie, the characters have accepted their role in dinotopia. They are heroes. But in the series, the father of Karl and David is a bitter man looking to get off the island. The female lead(i forget her name) is not as strong-willed and confident as in the movie. She has turned into a, well, normal teenage girl. The effects suck. The plot is about renegade T-Rexes running amok after the sunstones fail. Boring. CGI dinosaurs are so much worse than the movie.

My rating for this : 1 out of 5 stars. But if you haven't watched the movie, the series will be fine.

Apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger running for governer is covered under entertainment news. hehehe. i thought thats under politics.


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