Friday, April 30, 2004

There IS justice after all. John Stevens finally got kicked out of American Idol yesterday, after singing one of the worst version of Music of My Heart i have heard in my life. Ah... its good. The interesting is, the two youngest girls seemed more upset than John. Jasmine Trias was crying like John just got cancer or something. Her makeup was running, the tears were flowing like crazy i tell you. Diana was crying too, but not as bad as Jasmine. Hmm... seems like Jasmine has a crush on the little redhead boy.

I also watched The OC yesterday. Interesting to find out that the main characters were only sixteen. They look like 19-20 yr olds to me, not sixteen. And they're awfully mature for sixteen year olds. And the female lead looks ultra-chio for a sixteen-yr old she's supposed to play. Ah, well. There are some sixteen year olds that look very, very, very beautiful anyway, so i guess it is believable.


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