Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Did you know that TV mobile is turning 3 this valentines day(which was a few days ago)? I can't believe its already been 3 years. It feels like yesterday when TV Mobile was just staring out, with the TV pictures shaking, stuttering and stopping. Then the voice going ultra low for a while. It was funny when it went low, but when the TV starting squeaking and squealing and making sharp noises while skipping, then i got very irritated. TV Mobile has gone a long way since then. Now it hardly skips, and there are very few glitches. Cybernet, Movies, Games and Videos have gotten me through many bus rides quicker. Although the rest of the shows still suck. Bus rides will be different without TV Mobile. Plus now they're showing awesome animations from Nanyang Polytechnic School of Design. The fact that its Nanyang Polytechnic, the school i go to, is totaly not related to how great the animations are. Seriously. Anything that Nanyang Polytechnic produces is absolutely excellent. And i'm not biased. Not one bit.

I read that some lesbian woman auctioned off her virginity on a website for 20k+ pounds. Wow. That's some expensive sex.


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