Monday, February 09, 2004

Wow.. my shoutbox has a lot of activity today... posts before sunday are all gone already.. hehehe..

Anyway, not much news for me to comment on today, yet, seeing that i'm yet to read the newspapers. Except TODAY. In the letters section, there's a title that says Pink Dolphins : Singapore's Reputation at Stake. For a moment i thought they were talking about the drink, until i found out it was once again calling on Underwater World to free the dolphins. The letter is very cheem. Very difficult to understand because of my extremely limited english, so i ignored it.

Another article that caught my eye is one on t3h b00bies. There's an article questioning why adults have made that part anatomy of the human body into something vulgar, when it is something beautiful. The breast is something that supports newborn babies.

We have vulgarised the human body to such an extent that we see it mostly in terms of sex; we are ashamed of it.

I have to admit that from an adult's point of view, the act was sensual. But the sight of a mother breastfeeding her child became the most natural and beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Sure, women have always used their breasts to amplify their sexuality and attract men, but there is nothing vulgar or indecent about that part of their body.

Indeed, breasts have been celebrated by some of the greatest painters in history, such as Edouard Manet. And we, too, should admire its beauty.

I am not advocating that women walk around topless. What I am saying is that adults should stop implying that a woman's breasts are vulgar.

Children will grow up to appreciate breasts as adults do, but in the meantime they should be taught to appreciate them for their value to human life.

Jackson exposed more than a breast.

She exposed the hypocrisy that adults tend to propagate and corrupt children's minds with. There is no reason to bitch over Janet Jackson's fleshy parade at the Super Bowl

Ok... so he's saying that women's breasts are a beautiful thing, and that children should be taught to appreciate them for their value to human life. And that women should not walk around topless. And that we should stop corrupting children's minds by telling them that women's breasts are vulgar.

Uhh... i think i get his point. The breast is a beautiful thing, and it should not be vulgar, children should learn to appreciate it, and it should not be displayed. Ok....

Yesterday my karate class had three new students. All girls. Sadly, two of them were average and one of them semi-cute. But what was interesting is that they were ultra-gigly. They were giggling throughout the training. They were giggling while kicking. While punching. While sparring. What's up with the giggles? why do girls giggle so much????


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