Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Today, as i left school, i had the following conversation with my group mate :

Me : Ok, see you.

Friend : Yeah. I need to go back and establish a connection with the mysql database and try out my servlet program.

Me : I need to go home and play game.

Friend : I also need to finish up the program for calculating the rate of mutation for all nucleotides.

Me : I need to go home and watch soccer.

I wonder who's lazier.

Anyway, this morning on The Morning Express they were talking about submissive women. Should women be submissive to their husbands? The Morning Express guys, all Christians(if you believe it) said that its stated in the bible. And is true.

Ephesiasns 5 : 22-23 - Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior

Wow... That's probably made plenty of feminists angry. Who says women need to submit to men? What rubbish. Not in this time and age. But what about the bible? Isn't the bible supposed to be relavent at all times? Then i remember what Faith said to be quite some time back, when i was being bombared by questions about texts like that from a female church member whom i was having bible study with.

"If you're not willing to obey your husband, why are you marrying him?"

The more i think about it, the more i think its true. If a woman marries a man, its because she loves him. And if she loves him, she will want to obey him to make him happy. The man, if he truely loves his wife, won't abuse that. Rather, he will listen to her and respect her for the beautiful woman that she is. A man is supposed to treat his wife the way Christ treats the church. Which is putting her above everything but God. Treating her infinite love and respect.

That doesn't sound very easy to me. If i ever get married, i sure hope i can live up to that.


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