Monday, April 05, 2004

Ah.. so i comment on the Miss Singapore Universe pageant. Then I find out who the person is on Faith's blog. Apparently, she is a Seventh-day Adventist from Thomson Chinese Church. So i go check out the name of the person. Its Sandy Chua. Sandy who? I have absolutely no idea. The face does look vaguely familiar, so i may or may not have seen her around. But hey, to me, she still doesn't look like a Miss Singapore Universe winner. I'll admit she's maybe average. Perhaps even a little pretty. But definitely not beautiful. But i'll say sorry for saying what i said. Sorry, Sandy Chua. I take back the comment that she looks ghastly. She's all right. But Jamie Teo is still the best Miss Singapore ever.

And the Miss Singapore Universe contestants fight back.

Many people have been dissing the Miss Singapore Universe contestants. But in the TODAY newspaper, they have something to say.

Yesterday, Sandy and her fellow contestants received a rude shock when they became the target of critical newspaper reports, which described them, among other things, as short, flat-chested Ah Lians and aunties.

Said the Sandy Chua, winner of Miss Singapore : "I was quite overwhelmed when I was picked as Singapore's Miss Universe representative. But when I read the articles written about the pageant, I felt that whatever was written was not really true."

"I think that many of us showed a lot of daring to sign up and take part in the contest. It shows our courage. I just felt that the articles were not objective and were unfair to us."

First runner up Marilyn Tan continued : "People have the right to say what they want but I think they should help each other to encourage other Singaporeans and not slam them with nasty comments. What about the spirit of competition and participating?"

You know what? now i feel bad. These girls showed plenty of courage to enter the pageant. They knew they would be scrutinized(how do you spell that again?), criticised and slammed by the general public. But they were confident enough, and dared to do it. Dared to try, dared to do what many other women did not. I now have respect for these girls. Good job on trying.

If only they were more beautiful.


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