Sunday, March 28, 2004

I know many people here in Singapore love American Idol. But how many of us have actually visitied the official website, I went there pretty often to check out the photos. Then, only recently, did i realise there's this guy called the Jaded Journalist. He's on the front page at the botton right hand corner. He does absolutely wonderful re-caps of American Idol episodes. For example,

Welcome back! Seacrest! Still here! Time for the votes. Three will be teased, one will go home. John Stevens, you're safe. John's dad lets out a sigh of relief. Fantasia, rock on, baby. Matt, your hair is nice, but that's not enough to protect you. Come over here and dwarf Seacrest, please. La Toya, people want more La Toya. George Huff, you seem cold in the studio. Maybe…these votes will warm you up! Jasmine, you're pitchy and safe. I know safe is good. Jon Peter, you're starting to look like Benny Mac, Ryan Atwood of The O.C. And you're also safe. Camile, your pink belt can't save you now. Maybe Matt's strong arms can. Jennifer, you're safe, doll baby. Diana and Amy. Please wrestle to determine who is in the bottom three. What? No wrestling? All right, just sit there then until we tell you.

Stuff like that. Beautiful. Then, on the right of the re-caps page, there are his interviews with the top twelve. All of them are extremely funny. I mean, its not your typical interviews. he says stupid stuff, does stupid stuff, insults the people he interviews, they insult him back... etc etc. I've gone through almost all of them. And one i REALLY recommend is the Jon Peter Rasslin' one. The one on Jon Peter Lewis. Jon Peter Lewis turns the tables on the Jaded Journalist and makes him look pretty pitiful. When you watch the Jaded Journalist's other interviews, you'll know how difficult it is to make the Jaded Journalist look pitiful and sad. Except Matt Rogers. Even though he's out of American Idol already, his interview is also one of the most interesting. I'm now a big fan of The Jaded Journalist.


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