Sunday, April 04, 2004

I was reading in The New Paper on friday that an australian court arrested and fined a mother for hitting her child. The child was making a big fuss in a supermarket, grabbing things off the shelf and making a nusience of himself. When his mother stopped him, he threw a tantrum and started crying on the floor, refusing to get him. So the mother hit him a few times on the back of the head, then dragged him out of the store. A waitress saw it, and called the police. The court charged the mother will assault. I'm a firm believer of spare the rod and spoil the child. I would whack my children next time(if i ever foudn a wife and had any) when they misbehaved, although not with my hand(the whole thing about association and stuff). So i believe that woman was right. A parent has a right to discipline a child. However, there is a fine line between abuse and discipline. And walking that line is tough for any parent. Parenting a difficult, thanksless job. Sigh.

The Miss Singapore Universe winner looks like the face kena langah by lorry. Or rather, she looks absolutely ghastly. The rest of the contestants looked worse, so i'm not surprised. Its almost as if they're picking the worst of the Singapore women. Even though they lowered the height requirement to 1.6m, they still got a whole lot of ugly women. What is wrong, i ask you, what is wrong? Why are the beautiful women staying away from Miss Singapore Universe???


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