Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I have realised that i've missed out on three important blogging styles. Once again, i'll be using the scenerio of a pet dog dying. They are :

The Never-Update Blogger

Sorry for not updating. Busy, busy busy. Anyway, my dog died today. Its sad. I really missed him. I promise i'll update soon! Really!
*doesn't update for another month*

The News Commentry

My dog died today. I think it could be because its too old or something, i'm not sure. But hey, nothing we can do about it, right? I think that people should make sure that they take care of their dogs properly. I mean, there are so many dogs out there being mistreated by their owners. The SPCA should have stiffer penalties for dog abusers. This needs to be stopped.

The Cynical Satirist

My dog died today. It really died. Could be because its too old, could be because of anything. Or it could be that we don't have enough time for it. Like we don't have enough time for our kids. Seriously, the government should wake up. In Singapore, the government keeps telling us to have kids, have sex, get married young. They even have a Romancing Singapore campaign. Bah. The only way to get more kids in Singapore is to buy a few thousand baby goats from Malaysia.

The I'm-Too-Cheem-For-You Scholar

My mongrel relinquished its spirit and joined the ranks of the deceased today. Life diminishes as time passes. I conjecture that it is inevitable that life will end sooner or later.
*i faint from using the thesaurus so much. i'm not meant to write cheem stuff*


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