Friday, August 22, 2003

Ok, another update on the situation.

Yesterday i went to talk to my course coordinator and my liason officer about this issue. Predictably, they advised me to sit down, take his nonsense, because when i do come out of it, i will be a better person and be able to deal with any situation and any bosses in the future. If i do quit, it would mean that my tolerance level is not good enough, and that i will be unable to see how far i can push myself and mature. I know and understand all that. However, what i would not be able to handle is the dissapointment in myself. Other people have managed to do it before, and if i should admit defeat now, that i am unable to take his nonsense, it would mean that i am not as good as other people. Which would give my self-esteem a beating. So in the end, after talking to a few more people, i decided that i would stay on and take his nonsense for 12 weeks.

Then i came home and talked to my mother. She said she wanted to clarify a few things with my liason officer, so i gave her my liason officer's number. After a long talk, my mom told me i didn't have to go to work tomorrow. My mom's point was that why is the school allowing their students to experience bosses as bad as this. Should i break down, would the school be responsible? Money can be earned, but what will the school do should she lose her son? I'm like 'WOW!' My mom is powerful. She believes that the boss is too much, so today if possible we will be meeting the DIRECTOR to discuss this issue. I may even be talking to a counselor. This is blowing up to be bigger than i ever imagined. Its good and bad. When i finally managed to psycho myself to go to work, my mom tells me i don't have to. So i hope and pray for the best later if i do go down to meet the director.


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