Wednesday, August 13, 2003

In yesterday's newpaper there was a complaint. And for once, I agree with it. For those of you that didn't read yesterday's newpaper, it was about Voodoo. There was an assignment that was given to primary school students about voodoo, suggesting that voodoo is real, but only if it is used properly. And the tone of that comprehension passage was very serious and matter-of-fact. I'm like.. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THE TEACHER THINKING????? Voodoo? Teaching a kid that voodoo can be used for good?? Apparently the assignment was passed down to the teachers to teach, and out of a few teachers, only one decided to brief the class that voodoo is not good. The rest of them ought to be fired.

Watched Singapore's Brainiest Kid yesterday. I knew half the answers to the questions. Most of the kids knew almost all the answers. I feel so stupid. An 8 year old is smarter and faster than me. Sigh. But i noticed the 'specialist topic' that most of the kids, in the all guys round yesterday, were typical of guys. Sports, comics. I'm waiting to see what the girl's 'specialist topic' is. For your information, a specialist topic is a topic that they choose for the final round that they are very good at, and questions will be asked from that topic. Yesterday's three final kids chose Tin Tin, Asterix and Man U. Needless to say, i knew almost every single answer to the questions asked.


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