Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Finally, i find the time to update my blog. I've got the boss from hell. He gives me so much work to do, i even have to do it at home, even though its suppossed to be my time. And i'm an attachment student, not even working there. He's crazy, i tell you. A bit psycho. He scolds me for any mistakes i make, bangs the table, etc etc. I don't really care, i just ignore his scolding and do my work, but having to program non-stop 9 hours a day is very tiring. With only a 1 hour lunch break inbetween. No breaks. This may be the working world, but i'm not used to it. Heck, i say i don't care, but there's only so much unneccessary scolding i can take. If one day i break, i'm probably gonna just walk out of the company. to heck with my attachment. I'll just repeat it again next year. Of course, thats if i break. Just gotta pray for strength and patience right now.


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