Sunday, December 21, 2003

Have you heard of the NUS high school? Its a new school opening in Singapore, where they accept students after their PSLE, put them on a 6 year course, bypassing both the O and A levels, then get a diploma at the age of 18. Interesting, eh? It will be a diploma in Mathematics and Science. So basically, if you do well enough at PSLE in your Maths and Science, they will allow you into this course, and your direction in life will be decided at the tender age of 12 years old. Cool, huh? at 12, you get to decide what you're going to do for the rest of your life. At 12 all i bothered about was going to the arcade, watching TV and chatting. I got an A star for my science, and an A for my maths. I probably could have applied for that diploma. But then, i hated maths when i went to secondary school, and didn't get above a C5 for any science for my Os. Which meant that my maths and science sucked in the end. Which meant i would probably have done badly if i went there.

What am i saying? i'm saying its utterly ridiculous to decide a child's future at 12. What's next? Putting them on a 10 year masters course after graduating from kindergarden and bypassing the PSLE, Os and As?


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