Friday, December 12, 2003

Reading my favourite Newspaper once again, The New Paper.

Criminals and Bad People, listen up. In the city of Belgrade(i know where it is, cos Patizan Belgrade was the team that KNOCKED NEWCASTLE OUT OF THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!!111), a man charged with drink driving was dismissed without being charged. Why? The City Attorney, William Spooner, says and i quote :

"I've been directed by the mayer and the police chief of the city of Belgrade to dismiss this complaint for the reason that the police department's budget is insufficient to allow them to pursue further criminal prosecution"

Now, is that cool or what?

Singapore is likely to hit the lowest birth rate in 26 years. Singapore needs at least 50,000 births a year to sustain its population and avoid being an aging population(or something like that. i dropped Geography in secondary school). kinda like when the baby boomers(the current work force) become old, and there are too few youngsters to support them, or the Singapore economy.

Currently, there are only 33,618 babies born this year. Which is a huge shortage. Soon we're going to be extinct. I don't think the reason is that Singaporeans are not having enough sex(althought that may be part of it. Singaporeans ranked LAST. not among the bottom. LAST in the world for frequency of sex.). Its more of babies are so expensive. They are just too expensive to have. And honestly, the state the Singapore economy is right now, many young couples are already having trouble paying off their house, car, furniture, electrical appliances, renovation etc etc loans. A baby? that's the last thing on their minds. A month or so ago an article appeared in the Straights Times saying that many DINK(Dual Income No Kids) couples, living in the Punggol/Sengkang area(*cought*faith*cough*) are heavily in dept, and are struggling to pay off all the loans i have mentioned earlier. They will not be able to afford a kid, not to mention 2 or 3. There are exceptions, but not enough to maintain Singapore's population.

EDIT - My solution to the problem has been edited out due to the joke being in bad taste. To all who have taken offence to it while it was up, i am truely sorry.


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