Wednesday, December 10, 2003

California Thief Steals Playboy Nude Watercolor

A thief steals a playboy nude watercolor. But what's so special about that?(besides the fact that its a NUDE PLAYBOY WATERCOLOR)? this.

The thief walked into a gallery in the town of Larkspur, north of San Francisco, on Sunday afternoon and set his eyes on a January 1960 painting by pin-up artist Alberto Vargas. He grabbed the watercolor from an easel and then escaped even though the gallery owner chased him down the street.

Hmm... am i losing my touch? Have i lost the ability to find interesting news to talk about? Have i lost the Art of Complaining? maybe. or it could just be that today is a very boring day without much interesting news. To me, at least.

Vocaluptous(however you spell that) is currently on Class 95. They can sing. And i mean THEY CAN SING! I have full respect for them. They make the Backstreet Boys sound like a bunch of toads. Or like Glenn & Rod call em, the Backside Boys. I am so gonna buy the Vocaluptous CD. But i still like the Backstreet Boys. Cos i like boybands. So sue me. I like anyone that sings good ballads. But Vocaluptous pwnz everyone else. Everyone go out and buy their CD NOW! its for a good cause. now if only i can remember what good cause...

Its just too bad their only Voluptous(however you spell that. you know what i mean) member has left. People who know them and me and her should know who i'm talking about. hehe.

You never appreciate a bed until you sleep on the floor/bumpy bench of a monorial station. I pride myself in never needing a blanket. Until that fateful day when during the Youth Camp last weekend. When our tents got totally soaked(along with all my clothes. I am really thankful that my diskman was kept with all the other valuables), we were forced to find alternative shelter. And the only place was the monorial station. So we all grabbed our sleeping bags(which i didn't have) and went to sleep at the monorial station(i slept early, the weakling that i am). I could not bring my pillow, which was soaked(thanks to the rain). The clothes i was wearing was very wet(thanks to the rain) and ALL my other clothes were wet too. So, with wet clothes, no pillow, no sleeping bag(there were two, but i didn't want to share it cos my wet clothes would wet it) i slept at the monorial station. And i was cold. Very cold. My clothes did not dry until about 4+ am. If there was ever a time i needed a blanket, it was then. And i don't think i was the only one, too. Cos my good friend Edwin(Munjen) was sitting up, then lying down again like every hour or something. And he would put his hood over his head everytime he sits up and lean on the railing. The coldness. I never needed a blanket till that day. Never.


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