Monday, December 29, 2003

Sicily Man Arranges Shooting to Woo Woman

A man in Sicily asked a friend to shoot him in the groin in the hope of making his ex-girlfriend feel sorry for him, police said on Friday.

Hmm... A rather Sickily man, isn't it? He definitely had the balls to do something like that! I think he'll be shooting blanks for the rest of his life! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!11

The Who's Townshend Mulled Suicide Over Child Porn

British rock legend Pete Townshend contemplated suicide during a police inquiry into his use of child pornography, he said in an interview published on Sunday.

Townshend, who said he was abused as a child, publicly admitted viewing child pornography but said it was purely for research purposes.

Surfing child pornography for 'research purposes'? That's a first. Wonder what he was researching?

"I'm not sexually attracted to children," he said in the interview.

Ah... so he's not sexually attracted to children, and actually PAID with his credit card(heard this on channel i news) to access a child pornography site. Purely for research purposes.

He has got to be kidding. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!111


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