Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Yet another day in Singapore soccer, where our national team loses once again to a team i don't even know what continent its from. It'll be news the day Singapore beats a team that dosen't consist of salesmen and mailmen. But i hope they don't sack our current coach, though. This guy's got attitude, he's got the fire. Unlike our previous coaches that just make excuses after each match Singapore loses.

A new campaign has been launched. The come-early-for-wedding-dinner campaign. Singapore is becomming the campaign capital of the world, i tell you. What next? We've had a have-more-sex-to-have-more-babies-to-re-populate-singapore campaign, a stop-spitting-now-for-the-sake-of-our-health campaign. I wonder what else they have up their sleeves.

"For your own safety, please stand behind the yellow line"


"For the convenience of all passengers, please move to the center of the train. Thank you for your cooperation."


"Please refrain from eating or drinking in the trains. Thank you for your cooperation."


"Please make way for alightning passengers before boarding. Thank you for your cooperation."


"For your own safety, please stand behind the yellow line."

SMRT must think Singaporeans are stupid or can't read signs.


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